Logo SiS FVG
Logo SiS FVG

Innovation HUB FVG – #IHUB FVG

Partners Involved

Following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Regional Authority, the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy (MIMIT), and the Ministry of University and Research MUR, agreements will be formalized with specific institutions, that will be implementing the projects and that will collectively form the “#Innovation HUB FVG – #IHUB FVG”.


The FVG Region supports agreements and understandings for the implementation of projects that involve stakeholders in the production system and in research and technology transfer and that generate impacts on the regional territory.

Starting Date
Expected Duration
Regional Law No. 16 of 28 December 2023 (Stability Law 2024) Total expenditure: €6,000,000 divided into €2,000,000 per year from 2024 to 2026.
The Innovation HUB FVG promotes innovation and collaboration between research and industry to facilitate the ecological and digital transition.