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Area Science Park

Area Science Park

Area Science Park, a national public research organisation supervised by the Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR), with headquarters in Trieste, was established in 1978. It conducts highly specialized research activities in the fields of life sciences, innovative materials and data science. Its strategic research areas are particularly focused on:

  • the study of pathogens through a multi-omic and single-cell approach;
  • the analysis of materials for energy and sensors;
  • the development of data science, AI and quantum computing, for applications in the life sciences and materials science sectors.

Area Science Park develops, enhances and keeps research infrastructures and technological and innovation infrastructures operational, in order to promote high-risk deep-tech innovation that originates from frontier research.

It also operates in technology transfer and in the design of innovative services to support businesses, with a strong focus on the issues of digital and energy transition.

Since 1978, Area has been managing Italy’s largest science and technology park, with around 60 tenants, including companies, startups and national and international research centres located in the two campuses of Padriciano and Basovizza, with a total of 80,000 square metres of facilities equipped for research and development activities and 2,800 professionals working there every day. The tenants’ activities develop in the scientific fields of life sciences, new materials, nanotechnology, digital/ICT and environmental sciences.

Area Science Park serves as the technical secretariat for SiS FVG.

research and technological infrastructures managed
scientific publications 2021-2024
employees, of which 44% specialised in STEM sectors
e oltre, servizi di assistenza all’innovazione per le imprese realizzati nel 2024
companies and R&D centres resident in the park
professionals working in the park
patents filed by resident companies
Infrastructures and technologies

Area Science Park manages laboratories and develops and maintains research infrastructures that contribute to scientific progress and offer services to the scientific and business communities to stimulate innovation and facilitate the development of new technologies.

Research Infrastructures:

  • Pathogen Readiness Platform (PRP@CERIC) – A highly specialised research infrastructure, the only one of its kind in Europe, that integrates tools and expertise in biology, biochemistry, physics, bio-electronics, virology, genomics, bioinformatics and data science to study human, animal and plant pathogens (Area is the coordinator);
  • Nano Foundries and Fine Analysis Digital Infrastructure (NFFA-DI) – A full-spectrum research infrastructure for nanoscience and nanotechnology across Italy, which integrates cutting-edge instrumentation, computational resources and handling of scientific data based on the principles of fairness and open science (Area is a partner).

Parts integrated into the above infrastructures are:

  • LAGE – Genomics and Epigenomics Laboratory: dedicated to DNA/RNA sequence analysis and genotyping (microarrays);
  • LAME – Electron Microscopy Laboratory: a national competence centre for advanced characterisation of materials of interest for the sectors of energy, microelectronics, electronic and spintronic technologies based on oxides and for the functional systems based on organic and hybrid organic/inorganic materials;
  • LADE – Data Engineering Laboratory: research infrastructure dedicated to advanced computing and data analysis services, from AI techniques to the production of FAIR-by design data;
  • LAAS – Southern Area Laboratory: dedicated to multi-omics integration, particularly between genomics and proteomics, and to metabolomics (at the University of Salerno).

Technological Infrastructures

  • Technologies for the digital transition: to support the process of digitalisation of businesses, since 2018 Area Science Park has been coordinating the activities of the Digital Innovation Hub IP4FVG, supported by the Ministry of University and Research, the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy and the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, and is now an integral part of the European network of EDIHs – European Digital Innovation Hubs. It is a public-private partnership with 4 Living Labs (Advanced Manufacturing Solutions, Data Analytics & AI, Data Optimisation & Simulation and Internet of Things), demonstrators of technology distributed throughout the region and available to companies.
  • Green Transition Technologies: Area Science Park’s contribution to the energy transition focuses on innovative materials and the development of ‘green’ and circular energy supply chains. North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley (NAHV) is the first transnational project for the development of a valley dedicated to the green hydrogen supply chain. It emerged from an agreement between the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Croatia and Slovenia to work on the development of green hydrogen production technologies. Alongside this, Area Science Park is developing a pilot project for the production, storage and use of green hydrogen, supported by an intelligent management system based on a digital twin.
International collaborations

The territorial location of Area Science Park, on the border of the Central European States and the Western Balkans, has always facilitated the development of a broad network of relations at European level, favouring participation in numerous EU programmes, on the topics of research and innovation, technology transfer and the development of shared policies. Area Science Park is currently a partner of Horizon Europe research and innovation projects, such as IMPRESS and RIANA, and of INTERREG cross-border cooperation. The laboratories, paraticularly those with a focus on life sciences and data science, are part of the distributed international research infrastructure Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium (CERIC-ERIC). Area is associated with EOSC – European Open Science Cloud, a European technology ecosystem promoting open science and data paradigms, and a member of e-Dream – European Distributed REsearch Infrastructure for Advanced Electron Microscopy, an initiative supporting cooperation between microscopy infrastructure providers, collaborative research and transnational programmes.

Opportunities for Students and Researchers

Area Science Park annually promotes opportunities to study, train and grow professionally in its own laboratories or at companies located in the Park, thanks to dedicated grants and scholarships.

Through the ‘Premio Nobile’, for 20 years Area has been rewarding degree and doctoral theses that enhance the value of the information content of patents.

Facilities for foreign students and researchers

Area Science Park manages the Welcome Office Friuli Venezia Giulia, a reception service for foreign mobile students and researchers, which offers information and assistance for moving to the region. Students and researchers are supported through the pre-arrival information service, thanks to updates on the www.welcomeoffice.fvg.it portal and onsite assistance through the help desk with offices in Trieste and Udine. The English-language portal offers information both on entry and residence procedures and on aspects related to daily life (e.g. tax code, health coverage, accommodation, language courses, foreign driving licences, etc.). 21 institutes belonging to the regional scientific and academic system jointly participate in the FVG Welcome Office. The initiative is organised within the framework of SiS FVG.

Furthermore, Area Science Park hosts EURAXESS Centre Trieste, which supports the career development of researchers (PhD and PostDoc), helps the public and private sector in searching for highly qualified personnel and promotes European policies in support of the European Research Area.

Other locations
  • Udine Branch – Friuli Innovazione -Via Jacopo Linussio, 51 – 33100 Udine
  • Salerno Branch – University of Salerno – Building L7, floor 1 – Via Antonio Genovesi, 1, 84084, Fisciano, Salerno

Prof.ssa Caterina Petrillo

Dott.ssa Anna Sirica
General Director

Padriciano Campus: Area Science Park, Padriciano 99, Trieste

Basovizza Campus: Area Science Park, Basovizza, SS 14, Km 163,5 Trieste

Welcome Office FVG