Logo SiS FVG
Logo SiS FVG


Research Infrastructures

Mapping of strategic research infrastructures (RI) for the regional system, aligned with the regional Smart and Sustainable Specialisation Strategy (S4), the National Research Infrastructures Plan 2021–2027, and the priorities of the European Strategic Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI).

Innovation HUB FVG - #IHUB FVG

The Friuli Venezia Giulia Region supports understandings and agreements for the implementation of projects that involve stakeholders in the production system and in research and technology transfer, and that generate impacts on the regional territory.

IP4FVG – EDIH European Digital Innovation Hub

Evolution of policies supporting digital transformation, initiated in 2016 as part of the Digitising European Industry Initiative and as part of national policies. The project received the European Commission’s “Seal of Excellence” quality label.

Laboratory on Quantitative Sustainability

A laboratory spread across the scientific and humanist institutions in Friuli Venezia Giulia, dedicated to developing scientific methodologies capable of quantitatively representing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).