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Internationalisation in the CEI Area

Partners Involved

CEI Executive Secretariat and interested SiS FVG members


Collaboration with the Executive Secretariat of the Central European Initiative (CEI) to support the internationalisation of SiS FVG in Central and South-Eastern Europe: scientific diplomacy initiatives, consolidation of the network of UNESCO Chairs and collaboration with SiS FVG institutions on cross-cutting topics of interest such as environmental protection and sustainability, health, innovation, and digitisation. Particular emphasis is placed on developing scientific diplomacy initiatives, strengthening the network of UNESCO Chairs, and collaborating with SiS Institutions on cross-cutting topics of interest such as environmental protection, sustainability, health, innovation, and digitisation.

Expected Duration
Three years
CEI: € 80,000
Expected Results
Strengthened presence of SiS FVG institutions in the CEI area, collaboration on topics of mutual interest, enhancement of SiS FVG’s high-level expertise, aligned with the priorities of the CEI Member States.